Solar panel consists of many photovoltaic cells that convert light from the sun into usable electricity. A photovoltaic cell is typically made up of silicon and uses the element's unique properties to harness sunlight. As photons (which make up sunlight) hit the solar panel's surface, they displace electrons in the silicon atoms, generating an electric current.
Solar energy is the most rapidly growing sector of the energy markets- a market boosted by new and advanced technology that has in recent years dropped in cost and risen in efficiency. Unlike fossil fuel the solar energy is a clean energy that is sustainable and renewable, because it comes from the sun, so every homeowner can have access to the benefits of a solar power.
Solar energy is low maintenance and once the solar panels are installed, it is very easy to maintain. Beyond an occasional need to clean excessive dust, solar panels require very little attention. Compare to fossil fuel generators solar energy is silent, there is zero noise associated with solar panels and that makes it a preferred choice for people who like things to efficiently work quietly. Solar energy can effectively work in remote areas where there is no grid or traditional electricity.
That depends on whether you lease a system, or buy a system. We offer customers several different payment plans. Please refer to our Solar Package section for more information about the cost benefit of each plan.
The cost of going solar is a combination of the solar system equipment, installation, and operational costs. When you install a solar panel system on your home, you generate free power over the system's lifespan, which is about 25-30.
Your total saving for going solar comes down to individual scenario based on the solar panel system that is right for your home and how you choose to finance your solar system. Many of our Solar customers pay up to 30%-60% less than their current utility rate per year when they purchase a system.
There are also other factors that affect each customer's energy savings; we can help you evaluate these factors after we conduct a site survey at you're the building. Depending on whether you make an outright purchase or lease to own the system, you will be able to save up to 30-60% per year on energy bills.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that solar panel conversion efficiency typically degrades at 0.5% per year for panels made before year 2000, and 0.4% for those made afterward.
Solar panel manufacturers also offer linear performance warranties against how much decrease in power output a solar panel may experience over its life span. Most solar panels come with 25 year (performance) warranties, meaning the power conversion efficiency of the panels will not fall below 80%-83% of the rated value 25 years from the date of installation.
No, the fact is no one really has a good estimate on how much power a solar panel will be producing after it has outlived its warranty period because photovoltaic technology that is currently being deployed is still new. There are encouraging signs indicating you can expect your solar panels to last for a very long time indeed!
Not necessarily. At AED, we install the solar panels at customise solar solutions and sell our systems at competitive price. We have great relationships with financial institutions that can help you finance your system.